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New legislation affects CPS cases in Texas

 Posted on August 14, 2017 in Uncategorized

The department of Child Protective Services in Texas has long been under fire for insufficient action, lack of organized protocol and questionable treatment of foster children. All of these problems have understandably shaken faith in the department, but new legislation aims to empower CPS and restore Texans' faith in the services provided. There are a few things everybody should know about the laws.

According to the Dallas Times, the legislature extends over $500 million in new funding to CPS and the foster care system, and part of that funding may be available to people dealing with cases related to CPS. If you are facing a CPS-related legal issue, review these facts and consider consulting with a lawyer.

Relatives may receive compensation

Prior to the passage of new legislation, adults fostering children had to complete licensure requirements in order to receive compensation. Under new standards, however, relatives such as grandparents may be eligible to receive half of the minimum payment for fostering if they do not exceed maximum income limits. This makes it easier for relatives to transition into the role of caregiver for kids who are in need.

Different options for placement

One of the greatest issues previously facing CPS was a shortage of homes in which to place children. Newly expanded options for placement, though, give private providers case management privileges. This means there will be a revamp of the traditional foster care system to resemble a network of homes and resources that can provide care to displaced kids.

Greater resources for CPS departments

Ultimately, this legislature provides CPS with an extensive expansion of resources that will ideally resolve many of the problems that have become apparent in recent years. It is still up in the air, however, whether these new programs and initiatives will be successful. Many families are still dealing with legal issues relating to interactions with CPS, and if yours is one of them, an attorney may be able to help.

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