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Child Conservatorship Guidelines in Texas: What You Need to Know

 Posted on May 15, 2023 in Child Custody

frisco child custody lawyer Child conservatorship guidelines in Texas refer to the legal framework that governs the rights and responsibilities of parents or guardians over the upbringing of their children. This includes decisions regarding the child's education, healthcare, religion, and welfare. 

The state of Texas assumes that both parents have an important role in their child's life, and it is in the child's best interest to have frequent and continuing contact with both parents. However, this assumption can be overcome with sufficient evidence. In some cases, it is better for only one parentto have authority over and responsibility for the child. 

Understanding Conservatorship in Texas

In Texas, child custody is referred to as "conservatorship." There are essentially two conservatorships. The first is “sole managing conservatorship," and the second is "joint managing conservatorship." 

Sole managing conservatorship grants one parent the decision-making right regarding the child's upbringing, while joint managing conservatorship allows both parents to share decision-making responsibilities.

In Texas, both parents are generally presumed to be "joint managing conservators" unless evidence suggests that one parent should have sole managing conservatorship. This presumption reflects the state's belief that having a continuing and meaningful relationship with both parents is in the child's best interest. However, in family violence or abuse cases, the judge may determine that sole managing conservatorship is in the child’s best interests.

If you are appointed as a conservator of your child, you will assume parental rights and responsibilities. As a conservator, you can access your child's health, education, and overall welfare information. This includes obtaining your child's medical, dental, psychological, and educational records and communicating with healthcare professionals and school officials. 

Disputes regarding conservatorship can lead to serious legal disputes. If you are engaged in such a dispute, qualify legal counsel is essential. A lawyer can provide personalized legal guidance specific to your situation and represent you during any hearings. 

Contact a Collin County Child Conservatorship Attorney 

A Collin County child conservatorship attorney can help you understand your legal rights and responsibilities as a parent and can provide guidance on how to pursue a custody or visitation arrangement that is in your child's best interest.  Our lawyers will fight for a favorable outcome in your case. 

Contact the Law Office of Linda Risinger by dialing 972-294-6533.

Source: https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/fulltext.asp?DocName=075000050K602.7

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