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CPS is Investigating My Family and We Did Nothing Wrong

 Posted on January 25, 2023 in Child Protective Services

Denton County, TX child protective services lawyerWe have a system in the United States designed to protect children. And when there are reports of child abuse or neglect, Child Protective Services (CPS) will step in and investigate the allegations. In Texas, investigators will determine if the children in the home face any threats to their safety and a close look at the parents will quickly take center stage. At The Law Office of Linda Risinger, we suggest hiring a CPS defense attorney as soon as you know that CPS has begun investigating.

Cooperating with CPS

CPS usually becomes involved with families after the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services decides that the children are not safe in the home. CPS will determine if the family has abused the child. But these kinds of cases can become complicated.

What Are Investigators Looking Into?

Investigators typically will interview various parties who can shed light on the case and they will dig for information in the following ways:


  • Everyone living in the home will be interviewed

  • Extended family members, neighbors, teachers, and doctors will also be questioned

  • The house will be inspected

  • Copies of police reports, medical records, or school records will be obtained

  • The child will be examined by a physician and psychological professionals

Potential Determinations by CPS

When the investigation is complete, CPS will render a ruling, or disposition. A ruling that is referred to as “reason to believe” is when CPS believes that there is a greater than 50 percent chance that the alleged abuse or neglect occurred. A disposition could also be ruled out, which means that no abuse was found or CPS may be unable to complete an investigation if there is insufficient information to decide a case.

Importance of Seeking Legal Help

Legal representation will help you understand the procedures of the investigation and strategies that parents can use to avoid having their children taken away. As a parent, you have rights that you should protect. By addressing issues quickly you may be able to avoid a CPS investigation. If one is already in full swing, an experienced CPS defense attorney can help you know what you should not say to an investigator, if you should allow your home to be inspected, and if CPS can interview your child at school without your consent. You must act quickly before CPS files a case in court or takes action to remove your child from your home. Once a case is filed in court, things become more challenging to resolve.

Contact a Denton County CPS Defense Lawyer

If CPS is investigating your family, you need a Frisco CPS defense attorney who has strategies to protect you and your children. At The Law Office of Linda Risinger, we have more than 30 years of legal experience helping keep families together. Call 972-294-6533 for a free consultation.





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