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Three myths about mediated divorces

 Posted on May 24,2021 in Divorce

Divorce is a legal process that ends a marriage. It is often accomplished in the courts of Texas, but it can also be completed through alternative means. One of those means is mediation, and for some readers, the idea of divorce mediation may be completely new.

Mediation is a process that uses collaboration and cooperation to settle legal matters, as opposed to the adversarial process of divorcing in court. This post will address 3 myths that individuals may wrongly believe about mediation as a tool to achieve a divorce, but readers are reminded that this post does not offer legal advice. When a Texas resident has questions about divorce and their options, they can turn to a trusted Frisco family law attorney who works with both mediation and litigation divorce clients.

Myth #1: Can’t get a satisfactory outcome through mediation

It is a common myth that a divorce must involve fighting and high conflict. This is not true. Though some divorces happen in court and involve significant differences and dispute, others are worked out between the parties with limited involvement from others.

In a mediated divorce, the two parties to divorce proceedings work with a third-party neutral mediator to make decisions about how their divorce should wrap up specific marital matters. For example, through a mediated divorce a party can settle their financial and property arrangements with their ex, workout child custody and support issues, and discuss whether alimony will be needed. Many individuals who work with their exes to settle their divorces through mediation find that they have more satisfaction than those who battle over issues in court.

Myth #2: Mediators make decisions in a mediated divorce

As mentioned, divorce mediators are third-party neutrals that do not advocate for either person going through the divorce proceedings. They help the parties look at issues from both sides and offer guidance on how they may resolve their issues amicably and collaboratively. Mediators in divorce proceedings do not make decisions about how divorce issues should be resolved.

Myth #3: Mediation can take forever to complete

A litigated divorce process can take time. The parties to divorce proceedings must be able to effectively plan and communicate there are concerns to the governing body of their divorce matters. Months can pass between hearings for dedicated divorces, and parties who mediate their divorces may have to work with each other’s schedules to figure out when they can advance their divorce proceedings.

Mediated divorces do not always mean that the divorce proceedings will be long in duration. There are many factors that can contribute to the duration of divorces. When individuals have questions and concerns about how their divorces will proceed, they can speak with their trusted family law attorneys to get answers to their pending inquiries.

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